ELS Yearly Subscription (2025)

ELS Yearly Subscription (2025)

Exodus LARP Systems
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Firstly let me say the subscription is not free  you can order it here or email Shawn@exoduslarp.ca but it will need to be activated and set up in person.

Subscription cost would be $50/month

This Subscription is for a full year of events covering all events for Ascended Terra 2025 as well as the yearly holiday party. Purchasing events this way will typically not save you money through out the standard events unless you are typically late paying for events... the subscription plan will essentially equal bill out the whole year of events so you can budget around them better. it will however also guarantee your never late with payment potentially saving you instead a total of up to $120/year if your habitually late paying for events. It will also grant you the family/+1 discount for our yearly holiday party. during this event you will receive 10% off admission for your +1 and or 10% off for any direct family members. (subject to payment and notification of numbers prior to November 1st of the year), all members of the subsciption service recieve 10% off at Exodus Emporium on all leather, horn and dice products. 

As events cost less certain times of the year than others you may only cancel your subscription by notifying us at shawn@exoduslarp.ca 30days prior to the renewal date. Event admission and discounts earned through subscription are non transferable.